EPISODE 172 - Supplements for Masters Athletes, Part 2
We’re diving into 14 more ‘Next Level Supplements’ for masters athletes - ones you’ve probably heard of (or maybe even use). We’ll break down what they are, what they do, and key considerations so you can make informed choices.
Listen to our latest episode.
A podcast on all things sports nutrition.
Recent Episodes
Ep. 172
Supplements for Masters Athletes, Part 2
Ep. 171
Supplements for Masters Athletes, Part 1
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How AGEs may impact your health
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Unlocking the power of EPA and DHA Omega-3s
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Sneaky ways to boost nutrients, Part 2
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Sneaky ways to boost nutrients, Part 1
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How Vitamin D impacts muscle, injury, and immunity
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Are you vitamin D deficient?
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Genomics and Vitamin D with Amanda Archibald
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Round 2: Agree, Disagree, or Pass?
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The Right Mindset for Weight Loss
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Agree, Disagree, or Pass?
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10 Must Do’s for 2025
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Ask us Anything: How much protein should you eat?
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Does green tea enhance weight loss?
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Tests you need for better health & performance
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Is hydrogen water a hoax?
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Why we changed our minds
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Grocery Shopping Made Easier
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From college sports to the NFL with Ema Thake
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Nutrition updates since Dina's knee surgery
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Ask us Anything 17: How to increase protein as a vegan athlete
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Flexible Nutrition with Olympian Carrie Tollefson
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Ask us Anything: Beetroot and nitrates
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Making waves in collegiate sports and NFL with Jamie Meeks
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Is vomiting normal in ultrarunning?
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Ask us Anything: Creatine and NAAK Energy
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A Hot Take on Carbohydrates
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Ask Us Anything: Can you have a set electrolyte plan?
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Bob’s Tahoe 200 Recap
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Injury Recovery with Dr. Erin Ayala
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Middle disance running and nutrition periodization
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Bob’s nutrition training for the Tahoe 200
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Hydration Concerns for Masters Athletes
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Bob’s training for the Tahoe 200
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Nutrition Concerns for Masters Athletes
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Triathlon & Nutrition with World Champion Michellie Jones
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Review of Energy Gels with 1:0.8 Ratio
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Hydrogel Technology with Maurten
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Past, Present & Future of Ultramarathon Aid Stations
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Innovative Fueling with S-Fuels
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Nutrient Timing for Marathon
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Updates on Female Athlete Nutrition with Dr. Stacy Sims
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Functional Nutrition and Basketball with Kylene Bogden
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Nutrition in the Arctic
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Nutrition around Dina’s knee surgery
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Eating disorders in youth with Jane Reagan
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Carb & Fat Burning with Dr. Dan Plews
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Is more protein better after exercise?
Ep. 115
Increase energy in the winter
Ep. 114
Winter Hydration with Colette Vartanian of Skratch Labs
Ep. 113
Sports Nutrition Product History
Ep. 112
Simplify Your Meal Planning
Ep. 111
Lower Carb Diets with Mikki Williden, PhD
Ep. 110
High protein diets with Dr. Jose Antonio
Ep. 109
Weight Loss Perspectives
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Nutrition for BJJ with Dr. Shannon O’Grady
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The CARBolution in Professional Cycling
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AUA: Creatine and Acute Kidney Injury in Pro Ultramarathoner
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Functional Mental Toughness with Dr. Brad Cooper
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Holidays, Stress, and Food
Ep. 103
A new carb: cluster dextrin product review
Ep. 102
Are you omega-3 deficient?
Ep. 101
GI Distress in Endurance Athletes
Ep. 100
Dina’s fueling plan for 100 miles
Ep. 99
AUA: Sugar, Reflux
Ep. 98
Why you need to know about REDs
Ep. 97
Biotics: pre, pro, post
Ep. 96
Supplement Confusion with Joel Totoro
Ep. 95
How your genes influence weight with Amanda Archibald
Ep. 94
Ask Us Anything: Beet Root & Amino Acid Supplements
Ep. 93
Fitness & Nutrition Tips for Females with Selene Yeager
Ep. 92
Protein Deficiency in Athletes
Ep. 91
Nutrition for Soccer with Rikki Keen
Ep. 90
Updates on deltaG exogenous ketones with Brian McMahon
Ep. 89
Nutrition for Badwater 135
Ep. 88
Individual vs. Group Nutrition Coaching
Ep. 87
Fat Loss with Mikki Williden
Ep. 86
Nutrition for NASCAR with Stephanie Fernandes
Ep. 85
Nutrition for Climbers with Shannon O’Grady PhD
Ep. 84
Ask Us Anything: Hydration
Ep. 83
Sugar and Exercise
Ep. 82
Sweat technology & more with Andy Blow
Ep. 81
Pro MTB Racers: Syd and Macky
Ep. 80
Hydration and Electrolytes with Colette Vartanian
Ep. 79
Protein Powder, Part 2
Ep. 78
Protein Powder, Part 1
Ep. 77
Professional OCR athlete Rose Wetzel
Ep. 76
Professional Ultrarunner Hillary Allen
Ep. 75
Ep. 74
Nutrition and professional running
Ep. 73
Nutrition for Wrestling
Ep. 72
Ask Us Anything #6
Ep. 71
Omega-3 Fats and Muscle Function
Ep. 70
All you need to know about Metabolic Efficiency Testing
Ep. 69
Hormones and female physiology
A champion of many sports in all seasons
Ep. 67
Creatine and benefits for the brain
Ep. 66
Adventures in 2023
Ep. 65
UCAN for health and performance
Ep. 64
Clearing confusion on Metabolic Efficiency Training
Ep. 63
AUA: About Snacking
Ep. 62
Dirk Friel: from pro cyclist to masters skimo champion
Ep. 61
Should you give up coffee to help competition performance?
Ep. 60
Learn from these mistakes to make your year ahead the best!
Ep. 59
Growing the athlete mindset and improving mental skills
Ep. 58
Protein for peri- and postmenopausal athletes
Ep. 57
The Sport Dietitian 2022 Countdown
Ep. 56
The journey of a champion Ironman and Ultraman
Ep. 55
Nutrition Possibilities for 140 miles
Ep. 54
Our Morning Routines
Ep. 53
We answer your questions!
Ep. 52
How about 120 grams of carb per hour?
Ep. 51
The 101 on Medium Chain Triglycerides
Ep. 50
The many benefits and necessities of strength training
Ep. 49
Some changing tides with regard to carbohydrate fueling for athletes
Ep. 48
Intermittent Fasting
Ep. 47
deltaG Ketone Esters for health & performance
Ep. 46
deltaG Ketone Ester science
Ep. 45
Grocery shopping, time excuses, supplements, and celebrity eating
Ep. 44
Using data to manage blood sugar and choose foods wisely for health and bike performance
Ep. 43
Learn blood biomarkers to monitor for plant-based athletes
Ep. 42
Hear from a legendary backpacking expert and guide about nutrition for the outdoors
Ep. 41
Blood biomarker testing to support performance goals
Ep. 40
A Leadville 100 run race nutrition recap
Ep. 39
We address listener questions about protein
Ep. 38
Updates on fueling the female athlete throughout the lifecycle
Ep. 37
Updates on hot topics related to dietary protein
Ep. 36
Nutrition tips for ultras that you won’t find in a research study
Ep. 35
The novel carb ‘isomaltulose’ and the new drink ‘LiquidFuel’
Ep. 34
Tailoring nutrition to your training zones
Ep. 33
Journey from investment advisor to triathlete and coaching entrepreneur
Ep. 32
Caffeine 101
Ep. 31
Supplements, Testing, and Miracles
Ep. 30
Kevin Goldberg, 200 mile ultrarunner
Ep. 29
Part 2 of Youth Sports Nutrition
Ep. 28
Listener Q&A
Ep. 27
Chatting with the Leadville Race Series Race Director
Ep. 26
Trail Parties and Mental Health
Ep. 25
Running with COVID
Ep. 24
Youth Sports Nutrition, Part 1
Ep. 23
Diving deeper into Metabolic Efficiency Training
Ep. 22
For the love of food: Why Kelly Newlon cooks for elite athletes & teams
Ep. 21
Dina’s COVID & Bob’s Grand Canyon food experiment
Ep. 20
Huddle with Dr. Patrick Wilson talking about the athlete’s gut
Ep. 19
What to eat after training
Ep. 18
Sweat Sodium Test on Rich Soares
Ep. 17
Huddle with Andy Blow: Why hydration is a #1 priority
Ep. 16
Huddle with Pro Triathlete and World Champion Tim O’Donnell
Ep. 15
What to eat during training
Ep. 14
What to eat before training
Ep. 13
Huddle with Dr. Stacy Sims: Perimenopause and why women athletes need to do different
Ep. 12
The Gamechanger: Nutrient Timing
Ep. 11
Ask the Sport Dietitians
Ep. 10
Huddle with Roxanne Vogel: A record-breaking Mt. Everest summit
Ep. 9
Metabolic Efficiency: The Good, The Bad, & The AWESOME
Ep. 8
An Athlete’s Best Friend: Periodized Nutrition
Ep. 7
Huddle with Amanda Archibald: Nutrigenetics is the ultimate in personalized nutrition
Ep. 6
Supplements: Need to Know and Setting the Stage
Ep. 5
The Sports Dietitians Review of 2021
Ep. 4
The Low Down on Off-Season Nutrition
Ep. 3
Huddle with Dr. Allen Lim: What is Superfuel?
Ep. 2
Holiday Hubbub
Ep. 1
Origin Stories from Bob & Dina

So you think you know a lot about sports nutrition? Think again.
Meet the Hosts
Follow along with our hosts, Dina Griffin and Bob Seebohar, as they bring you different approaches and perspectives to piece together all the good stuff you want to know about sports nutrition - no matter if you’re an athlete, coach, parent, or other health professional.