Ep.107: The CARBolution in Professional Cycling


In this episode, we discuss a recent article that was published online in VeloNews regarding professional cycling and how the riders are “crushing 100-120 grams of carbohydrate per hour”, upwards of 140 grams per hour. We’re not bashing carbs in this episode, but we are providing some important context as to how we approach these carb intake ranges for athletes in addition to highlighting the newer food science technology emerging that enables better gut tolerance.



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Don’t forget to learn about the nutrition coaching and testing services Bob and Dina offer: Bob Seebohar at www.enrgperformance.com and Dina Griffin at www.nutritionmechanic.com. We’d love to connect with you on Instagram: @enrgperformance and @nutritionmechanic !


Listen to full episode :


Ep.108: Nutrition for BJJ with Shannon O’Grady


Ep.106: AUA: Creatine and Acute Kidney Injury in Pro Ultramarathoner