Ep.12 - The Gamechanger
In this Inside Scoop episode, Bob and Dina present an overview of the game changing aspect of sports nutrition: Nutrient Timing. Are you thinking about your fueling and fluids in and around your training and practices? While there are a lot of “It depends” when it comes to sports nutrition planning, we’re sure you’ll come away with a new appreciation for how to better dig into this critical piece for developing your best athletic self.
We cover:
What is nutrient timing and why should you care about it?
For what sports and athletes does nutrient timing apply?
Main considerations for the before, during, and after as it pertains to the “Fab Five” of nutrient timing.
Got a sports nutrition question for the Sport Dietitians? Email us your inquiry at hello@insidesportsnutrition.com and we’ll get it on a future Q&A episode.
Learn about Bob and Dina’s services: Find Bob at www.enrgperformance.com and Dina at www.nutritionmechanic.com
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