Ep.12 - The Gamechanger


In this Inside Scoop episode, Bob and Dina present an overview of the game changing aspect of sports nutrition: Nutrient Timing.  Are you thinking about your fueling and fluids in and around your training and practices? While there are a lot of “It depends” when it comes to sports nutrition planning, we’re sure you’ll come away with a new appreciation for how to better dig into this critical piece for developing your best athletic self.  

We cover: 

  • What is nutrient timing and why should you care about it?

  • For what sports and athletes does nutrient timing apply?

  • Main considerations for the before, during, and after as it pertains to the “Fab Five” of nutrient timing.

Got a sports nutrition question for the Sport Dietitians? Email us your inquiry at hello@insidesportsnutrition.com and we’ll get it on a future Q&A episode.

Learn about Bob and Dina’s services: Find Bob at www.enrgperformance.com and Dina at www.nutritionmechanic.com


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Ep.13 - Huddle with Dr. Stacy Sims


Ep.11 - Ask the Sport Dietitians