Ep.21 - Story Time with Bob and Dina


We catch up to discuss Dina’s recent COVID-19 experience and Bob’s recent nutrition experiment while doing the Rim2Rim2Rim at the Grand Canyon.

We chat:

  • How the data from Dina’s Oura ring gave her signs she was getting an infection

  • The importance of easing back into training after being sick

  • Why Bob’s nutrition experiment at the Grand Canyon involved only ONE type of food and fluid source for the entire Rim2Rim2Rim

  • Pros, cons and key learnings from eating only one food for 20+ hours while traversing the Grand Canyon

  • How Bob’s body handled 4,000+ calories of the same type of food

Read more about Bob’s his nutrition experiment.

Visit All Around Snack Co. to learn more about Bob’s Gourmet Snack Bites and get some for yourself! ISN Podcast listeners receive 15% off when ordering at the All Around Snack Co. website. Use the code ISNPODCAST22 during check-out.

We’d love it if you can leave a review of the pod on your podcast platform! And please connect with us over on Insta at @isnpodcast (DM us to say hello!). If you have a sports nutrition question, shoot it to hello@insidesportsnutrition.com.


Listen to full episode :


Ep.22 - For the love of food: Why Kelly Newlon cooks for elite athletes & teams


Ep.20 - What you need to know about your gut